MycoMythologies: Infrastructures for Each Other summons human, mycelial and computer-vision-agencies to join together in a performance of entanglement, providing understanding that the practices of human and other-than-human infrastructures are made with and informed by one another. Working with the AI networks of styleGAN, trained on datasets of human faces, mycelium, roots, rivers, pipelines, roadways and extraction facilities, infrastructures in the latent space are generated to enfold and erode into each other.
Becoming infrastructures for each other as they perform a quest to find a series of images where humans could see the support human and other-than-human networks are giving to each other in the mutual ecosystem of the planet we inhabit.
The video essay is an attempt at polyphonic montage that allows the digital image to be formed with agency of multiple human and non-human forces while revealing its constitutive parts – the pixels. The infrastructure that enables humans to generate and see digital images is exposed with pixel sorting flow, hinting at the fact that digital images are one of the tools that enables human beings to see beyond our species, thus its production should be questioned constantly.
MycoMythologies is a series of ontogenetic mythological stories, biotechnological installations Patterning and Rupture, storytelling workshops Storytelling Circle and a video essay Infrastructures for Each Other. The series researches the multilayered question of how mushrooms can help humans think about the possibilities of entangled life in capitalist ruins. As a speculative artistic research, MycoMythologies thinks not only about how fungal underground networks can inform humans, but also about how technologies tend to define the teachings that humans receive.
MycoMythologies: Infrastructures for Each Other, 2021
Saša Spačal, Kaitlin Bryson
StyleGAN: Kailtin Bryson, Matea Friend
Database Building: Kaitlin Bryson, Saša Spačal
Montage: Saša Spačal
Sound: Saša Spačal, Pim Boreel
Sincere thanks: Victoria Vesna
Solo Exhibition
MycoMythologies, Cultural Center Tobačna 001, curator Alenka Trebušak, Ljubljana, Slovenia [Nov. – Dec., 2021]
Liquid Dogmas, curator Martin Piacek and Anetta Mona Chisa, Public Postament and Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava, online, Slovakia [December, 2021]
Fungi Film Festival 2021, online, USA [November, 2021]
UCLA Sci|Art Ars Electronic Garden, curator Victoria Vesna, Linz, Austria [September, 2021]
Access the Online Experience of the Infrastructures for Each Other and Storytelling Circle
UCLA Sci|Art Ars Electronic Garden, Linz, Austria [September, 2021]